
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Here We Go Again

I'm sorry blog. I've been away for a while and I sort of left unannounced.... with no indication of when I'd be back. You see, there was an incredible level of inertia that I needed to overcome to get myself to write here again. But I have to admit that my heart was calling back to you. I need this... I need you... this connection provides clarity and helps me attain sanity in my sporadic, sometimes hectic schedule. Plus, there are people out there that read you and I need to keep them informed; aware that I'm doing well.

Happy  WAY Belated New Year everyone! Welcome back to my blog, this is my first post since 2011. I want to continue to provide insight in to the life of a dental student and young adult 36 + hours from his comfort zone. This semester has been nothing short of stagnant and we've just finished our 5th week of classes. In the first 3 weeks, the pace of lecture was sluggish and often light. Our class load was as follows: ACE: Knowing the patient, Masticatory Dynamics, DentSim, and Body as Host. ACE has been a refreshing course because it isn't your typical didactic and it challenges us to use recently attained knowledge and apply it in clinical scenarios; Masticatory Dynamics has covered the jaw/skull in relation to their functional properties; Body as a Host is an immunology, microbiology, and genetics class all thrown in one; and lastly, DentSim is the most exciting so far (in my opinion) since we're learning how to drill preps. What makes this class so fun is that we have a unique KaVo laboratory that is equipped with manicans with removable jaws and teeth. Each station has 3D cameras/software that track your every move while drilling and measures floor depths and prep outlines. This computer set up provides feedback; highlighting areas that we could improve upon. The fourth week was our final week of sealant duty in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, which was bittersweet.

This last week, we added two more classes to our schedule: Head & Neck Anatomy/Physiology and BP Fixed Prosthetic. We have only had 4 hours of lecture in Head &Neck and we already have enough material to have a midterm... at least that's what it feels like! Its an undoubted fact that this is the hardest science class that we have to take in the entire 4 years so wish me luck because I already need it. By the time that we are finished we will know the entire head and neck inside and out in METICULOUS detail. As far as BP Fixed, we've only had one lecture but I'm already really excited because we are going to learn how to do crowns and bridges this semester. Getting the opportunity to develop my hand skills this early in my education is a blessing!

There has been so much that has happened this past 5 weeks that I would love to share but I'd probably end up writing a long winded novel that would eventually become to boring to finish. This is why I have been so reluctant to write a new post because it's difficult to find a balance between too little and too much information! I'm going to continue to do my best to write more frequent short posts and avoid writing lengthy ones like this. If you are a pre-dent or current professional in the dental field and would like to hear more, send me a message. Below I posted about our 3 week sealant duty with pictures included.

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