
Saturday, October 1, 2011

So much to say, so little time!

I never know where to begin... but that's pretty much the story of my life =]

The past month for me has been a haze. Until last week, I couldn't shake this funk. I couldn't concentrate/focus on anything, not lecture, not waxing, not studying, not even my own thoughts for almost 4 weeks! I'm thankful to say the least that I snapped out of it. Just woke up one morning and thought, I need to get this show on the road and be proactive because this cruise control is doing nothing for me.

But inevitably I would have been forced out of this haze one way or another by the midterm and final coming this week. This will be the second midterm in Dental Anatomy and will cover the molars and baby teeth (that's 26 teeth, every little detail.. and that's only part of it). Although it's important that we know the teeth inside and out, I'm more interested in getting to the physiology  and the way the teeth come together in occlusion! It takes a special person I guess to be excited to learn this stuff, haha. My final is on Friday in Foundations in Life Sciences and woohoo is that one going to be a blast! It's not that I find the information difficult but that there is so much to retain for one test. For example we have had 5 weeks of class and covered subjects like medical genetics, nutrition, metabolism, cellular biology each in a day... talk about a refresher course. Studying this past week and this weekend have been exhausting to say the least. I'm looking forward to what memories this weekend has in store for me.. or lack there of ;-)

In the past couple weeks we have started learning more about the gums (gingiva) in Preventative Periodontics and learned more in depth how to do scaling and cleaning with our instruments in the lab. This coming week the group I was assigned to starts learning how to apply sealants to the pits and fissures of the 6 yr molars. For the remaining 2/3 weeks of the semester we travel to Cleveland elementary schools to place sealants on 3rd graders; I'm very excited! I will explain more and have pictures when that time comes.

As for my personal life, the rain has put a real damper on my exploration of Cleveland. Regan and I did get to visit the zoo last weekend and it was awesome of course. Regan had been looking forward to it since we arrived in OH so it was definitely past due on the list of "to-do's". We also went to the Cleveland Indians game where we were rained on the whole game since they don't have a retractable roof like the Seattle Mariners! ...get with it Cleveland. At least we got to go home and put on comfortable clothes and watch movies the rest of the night.

To add some excitement to my week I managed to end up in the ER last Thursday to receive stitches on my chin. During my flag football game, a teammate and I ran straight into each other. My face, his elbow... unfortunately, I have nothing to show for it except for 6 stitches. I'm going to start telling people "at least I came out of that collision alive" just to make myself feel better :) Flag football has been a stress outlet for me since it gets me out of the books and doing physical activity. Our team is great and we definitely have lots of fun when we're out there.

I'm sorry if I didn't provide enough this time around... It's definitely getting a little harder to find time to blog when I'm not studying. I think I need to find a new book to read so that I can open up my imagination while I'm cooped up in doors, especially before the snow rolls in! If you have any suggestions for books, please leave a comment, or text, or email, or talk to me in person! Anyways, I have to get back to the trenches and prepare for my battle with Dental Anatomy tomorrow. Wish me luck &Thanks for listening =]

I promised photos. Even if they are sort of random. I'll give much better ones next time, I promise! The first and last one are some my favorites

 Reminds me of coca cola for some reason
 Coolest animal on the planet!

 Look at the animal I found ;)

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