
Sunday, April 22, 2012

In the Thick of Things

I find myself apologizing to this blog, my family, my friends, and myself every time I begin writing one of these posts. I know its been nearly a month since I posted and that can be frustrating to those of you who are trying to follow my progress. Its frustrating on my end also because this blog has been a huge release for me and a great way to rehabilitate my soul.... Not a whole lot has changed at this point in time. Last post I mentioned that things were beginning to pick up and they are currently in full force. Only 2 weeks remain before the end of the semester and a barrage of comprehensive exams and competencies stand between me and serenity. Right now I'm doing everything thing I can to hold out on studying for one of our biggest, most important exams of the year, Masticatory Dynamics. They say procrastination is the killer of opportunity though so I figure I should get back to it since that exam is tomorrow.

Although it seems like its only 2 weeks until we are out of the woods its really the opposite. The work load we have is in full force and its really only a fraction of whats in store for us next semester. Thankfully we have the summer to recoup (our last full summer for the 4 years btw). I'll explain in great detail in two weeks. Our last final is May 4th and then I can unwind and pour it all out and fill you all in! Until next time :)

Here are a few pics of the only a fraction of things that have consumed my life for the past 2 weeks and the next two weeks.

The end of this jagged path is almost over then another one begins there after!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Last Leg of the Race

I apologize to those who have followed me regularly and been disappointed by my lack of commitment to this blog over the last few weeks. What's most unfortunate is that I went ahead and thoughtfully put together a post for a total of one hour last weekend, and then accidently deleted it. Computers...sigh*. We are currently on spring break, and when we return there are exactly 6 weeks remaining in the semester then summer commences. It's bittersweet but completely necessary. Only 3 more years left to go....


Last time I left off with the fact that I had picked up a couple classes and was already up to my neck in, ironically, Head & Neck Anatomy/Physiology. One of those classes that we began several weeks ago is now complete: Dental Materials. We had 5 total lecture hours and a final that was pretty reasonable. In this class, we covered all the basic materials that we will utilize during lab and when we start practicing in the clinic. Although it has been very useful to understand the properties of each material in order to ensure proper handling, I could have done without the chemical formulas. I've already put them out of mind as quickly as I read them. The other subject that we started around the same time goes hand-in-hand with Dental Materials and is also just about over: Basic Procedure Fixed Prosthetics [BP Fixed]. This was largely a pre-clinic (lab) class where we learned how to properly prepare an abutment for a crown seat, take detailed impressions, and fabricate a provisional (temporary crown) in order to protect the abutment while the patient waits for the crown to come back from the lab. This class was so much fun because we were able to put our ~$3000 Swiss made electric hand pieces to work. This was an introductory course to crown and bridge work where we learned about the fundamentals to long lasting fixed restorative techniques. But these two classes are at their end and there is one more subject to cover in the last month of the semester in order to officially pass over to the second year. That class is Facial Growth and I will update about it when lecture begins. 

The shorter classes I mentioned are supplementary to the meat & potato courses that last the entire extent of the spring semester. Those classes are: ACE: Knowing the Patient, Body As Host, DentSim, Head & Neck Anatomy/Physiology, and Masticatory Dynamics. I'll finish this section by highlighting these classes and avoid getting bogged down with boring details. ACE: Knowing the Patient has been one of the most interesting subjects in my opinion. It's primarily a communications class where we learn how to assess the patient's health/needs. We are also familiarized with all necessary documentation and charting. What's really cool about this class is that we have two simulated patient interviews that are evaluated. We already completed one. It took place in a state of the art simulation center called, Mt Sinai Skills and Simulation Center ( We were given 30 seconds to go over the patient's basic information and then enter the room and complete a full medical evaluation. The patient was an actor with specific instructions and the whole thing was recorded. No pressure, right? The most entertaining aspect was that our course director randomly assigned some patients to display diabetic symptoms. The student was supposed to pick up on these cues and recommend their patient visits a physician to address this concern. Pretty cool approach that tests our recently acquired skills.

Body as Host can be easily described as a class about medically relevant bacteria and viruses. It mainly addresses oral flora and its' specific defense mechanisms against infection and also covers systemic infection/immunology as well.  Head &Neck is exactly as the title alludes too. Medically, this is a dentist's area of expertise and what we are accountable for. If one chooses to pursue a specialty in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we would be trained to correct a wide spectrum of issues related to this area. For example, surgically correcting cleft palate syndrome, setting broken jaws, cosmetic surgery, etc. Contrary to popular believe it's not just teeth in the mouth. Dentists have the most in depth knowledge on this subject and should know where EVERY nerve, artery, and vein branches to/from and the function of every muscle and ligament in the H&N. Masticatory Dynamics is a complementary class that addresses the physiological aspect of the jaws and all associated structures. We are also still waxing teeth. This semester we are finishing how to wax each individual molar. Wisdom teeth removed, there should be 4 molars in an individuals mouth. All four of these molars have their own identifiable characteristics that we must be able to replicate. Last subject that I've mentioned in the past is DentSim. We have been practicing weekly how to perform the same 2 of 6 cavity preps and our project is to turn in 2 of each prep that we want graded. 

Personal Life

I couldn't be more elated for the summer since I'll be moving back into my parent's home for the first time since 2005. What excites me the most is the invaluable time that I can spend with my 13 year old brother. Since he's now in that awkward age in middle school I figure he could use my help :) 

Recently I turned 25 years old, half a century. So far, so good. No signs of creaking bones, lower back pain, or heart burn. I did notice that for the first time in my life I can nap AND if I drink coffee past a certain hour I can't fall asleep. It's surreal to think of all the time that's passed and as much I cringe at some of the mistakes I've made; I'm happy with where I'm at in my life. They say that wisdom is just a fancy word for lessons learned from mistakes. In that case, I'd say I'm pretty wise whether its for better or worse. Additionally, I have been blessed with this opportunity to become a health care provider at an amazing institution and I'm still alive. 

We had a dental formal recently, the same weekend as my birthday. Attending single seemed like an odd thing to do at first but it wasn't so bad since many of my classmates are in the same situation. I had a blast! There was an open bar and phenomenal food. Hor d'oeuvres served around the clock and steak for dinner. It was nice to get out of scrubs and dress fancy. Most of the school including faculty and administration attended which made it even more fun because you get to see how everyone functions as individuals in the real world outside the confines of some educational building. 

I was very blessed to be elected class president for this year and plan to run again for my second year. This experience has done so much for me in terms of developing as a person. I've learned how to bite the bullet and get down to business (being proactive); how the school & clinic functions in relation to faculty members; and how to communicate more effectively on a professional level. I've also met with and become acquainted with leadership in the Ohio Dental Association and Greater Cleveland Dental Society. One of the biggest upsides to this year is that I've never had the opportunity to establish a comfort zone. This forces me to continue evolving into a better man, my MO. I also joined in lobbying efforts at the statehouse and met with with senators and representatives of OH to discuss subjects such as insurance, midlevel providers, environmental regulations, etc.

With the summer approaching, I've noticed how close I've become with some of my classmates. They have been there for me when I'm down and I'm very thankful to have met such talented, empathetic people. 

But that's enough yapping for me. Its been 2 hours and I need to get on with my life. In two days, I am visiting a few best friends in Charlotte, then traveling with them to Chicago to celebrate a birthday. I'm super excited to be reunited with my friends. I think my soul needs it. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


WOW I just spent an hour writing something that somehow was deleted. I'll try and write something tomorrow. If I dont i'm sorry and I will do it next week unfortunately. Class is busy, lab is more busy and we have dental formal tonight. Pictures to come.

Tomorrow is my birthday too! WOOHOO

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Motto

"I heard once that they would rather hear about memories than enemies
Rather hear what was or will be than what is
Rather hear how you got it over how much it cost you
Rather hear about finding yourself and how you lost you
Rather you make this an open letter, about family and struggle and it taking forever
About hearts that you've broken and ties that you've severed
No doubt in my mind, that'll make them feel better"


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Almost to Midterms!

It's been two weeks since I've updated my blog about progress this semester. Last post I mentioned that we began a couple new classes that have taken flight, but we've also added another. In addition to BP Fixed, we are taking a class called, Dental Materials. So far it seems like a class that you either love or hate. It compliments BP Fixed because it describes particular properties and explains the reasoning behind why dentist use the materials that they do. At our school DM is only a 1/2 credit but at others its more extensive -worth upwards of 3 credits. But don't let the credit count allude you into believing that there is little work required because we are assigned plenty of reading for homework.

Dental Materials is a very important class in my opinion because it helps you understand why you choose certain materials when establishing a treatment plan and understand what's commonly used in the fabrication and placement of direct and cast restorations. It can be a deciding factor in how much you charge your patients and how long the restoration lasts (crown, bridge, filling, temporary, etc, etc). Patients should also be aware of their options and get an understanding of what they are being charged for and why... it could save a lot of confusion and bitterness in the long run on the patient's end. For the dentist, if you have a firm understanding of a broad sense of materials then it could effect how you manage your inventory and in addition develop a routine of working with products your more comfortable with.

As far as BP Fixed, we have it once a week for 4 hours at a time. It's a lab class where we can develop hand skills and start practicing restorative dentistry. Currently we are working on a project where we cut an abutment with our drill and create a provisional. In lamen, we are drilling away cavities, and creating a "post" in order to place a temporary crown. The one you wear as a patient for about a week until you receive your permanent crown.

With regards to my other six classes, things have been sort of busy but manageable. At this stage in our education, each semester gets more difficult and requires much more time in the lab and library. I'll take our schedule any day over what they have scheduled for us next year. Masticatory Dynamics can be confusing at times but is the foundation to dentistry. We are learning about how the teeth should come together, in occlusion, and how the entire jaw functions as a unit. This last week we began learning about where each cusp should rest and exactly where they should move with respect to its opposing tooth and neighbors in space. It requires a great deal of spatial ability but this is helpful in practice when creating dentures and correcting malocclusion (incorrect jaw orientation). I hope I'm explaining this right.. it's still pretty new to me. We had our 1st test of 3 in Body As Host and that went well. Now we are learning about bacteria and their association to our mouth, body, and health. This class can be pretty interesting in learning which bug causes what disease and how our immune system copes. Then we have good old Head & Neck. This class is a doozy. To date, we have learned in gory detail (..literally) about how the entire head is innervated, the vasculature, every bone and muscle in the head, and its development.... unfortunately this is not where the class ends so please, pray for me. On Valentines Day, we spent lecture with cadavers (dead bodies) picking at their face and familiarizing ourselves with how it looks in real life; not in a book. It's not so bad if you keep up with it and become familiar with latin terminology; gibberish in my opinion but very descriptive if you understand it. Lastly, we have ACE: Knowing the Patient which is blah... neither here, nor there. It's informative but definitely not challenging. It basically covers communication: what questions to ask, how to ask them, in order to understand your patient's needs.

Social life has been alright. There is a bar strip called Coventry out here which is ok but not exciting. Drinking and/or socializing is SOO important in dental school because you need to relax so you don't explode. Our class is very competitive so I try and distance myself as much as possible during the week to reduce stress because it's contagious. As the year flies by fewer people go out and opt to study through the entire weekend but it's necessary at times. Since Regan's departure to California to pursue her dreams, my adventurous side has become obsolete but that happens when you don't have your own car. This semester has gotten heavy so I don't blame myself or anyone else in my class for strapping down and getting stuff done. But I look forward to having an exciting summer, my only summer in 4 years of dental school. I'm praying that I can find a job in Lacey (or WA) and move back for the summer. We will see.

Well, I have my first mock interview/simulation with a patient, who's an actor, first thing in the morning. So time to prepare. Remember, preparation is the key to success. I also, have my first prophy (teeth cleaning) on a random patient this Friday so this week will be interesting. And to update everyone about our intramural basketball team, we finished our season 0-5. Go us, haha!

Superbowl! Emily is an artist with the appetizers.

 Facebow transfer - creating a cast that models how your patients teeth come together
  This is an abutment. It is how teeth are prepped for a crown

 Some drill heads
 Learning how to do an oral cancer screening
 Just having some fun.
My first cast...
 This is workable!

What not to do when taking an impression of your patient

This would have choked my little friend, Danielle, here! ;-)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


This poem will never get old to me, no matter how often I read it. For years these lyrics have resonated within and have been a constant reminder of the eternal journey ahead. As the mileage on me steadily increases with each year, I am witness to many beautiful events in my family and friends' lives. I long for the time when I'm no longer the traveler and I can put my feet up to rest. I will have my moment, I'm sure of it.

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.   
His house is in the village though;   
He will not see me stopping here   
To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

My little horse must think it queer   
To stop without a farmhouse near   
Between the woods and frozen lake   
The darkest evening of the year.   

He gives his harness bells a shake   
To ask if there is some mistake.   
The only other sound’s the sweep   
Of easy wind and downy flake.   

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.   
But I have promises to keep,   
And miles to go before I sleep,   
And miles to go before I sleep.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Just received my new FlexCare Plus toothbrush in the mail and I can't explain to you how ecstatic I am about getting to use it! Nerdy.... I know. Our local Philips Sonicare representative agreed to come and speak to our first year class about how great their products are and in return for our time gave each of us one of their top notch brushes priced at $120. Earlier in the year their competitor, Oral B, did exactly the same thing which is a good indicator for how serious they feel it is to grab our attention early in order to gain our loyalty before we have our own offices. After sealant rotations, I am more grateful than ever to receive these gifts knowing that there are children not too far from me who don't own a basic manual toothbrush.

The product that we received is programmed with 5 different brushing modes and has a special unit that sanitizes your brush heads with a UV light, eradicating bacteria. It also came with 2 different chargers, a travel case, and two cleaning brush heads; as opposed to 1 cleaning and 1 polishing brush head from Oral B. In my opinion, Sonicare has won my vote as the best product on the market for a few reasons. Although there isn't a noticeable difference in how squeaky clean my mouth feels YET, the company has more too offer for similar price points and their products look and feel of better quality. Plus, they offer a 2.5 year warranty including free shipping and 15% off additional future purchases for a year. 

I highly recommend switching from a manual brush to an electric brush as I've noticed a huge difference in my oral hygiene. Philips has also offered us a 75% discount ($160 off) on their best, top of the line Diamond Clean brush making it $59.99 instead of $220. I don't make any money off this, I'm just offering because I already have a nice toothbrush. So if your honestly interested in buying it, message me on here or give me a call and I'll give you my discount. Here's a link to the toothbrush: 

Oh, and I burned my lunch because I was distracted writing this post... damnit